Greenville County Legislative Delegation
Boards, Commissions, and Committees Application
Application period will close March 31, 2025.
In order for your application to be given consideration, it is critical that you answer all of the following questions as completely as possible.
*** An individual may only apply to serve on one board or commission during any election cycle. ***
*Name of Board or Commission
to which you are applying: |
*Application Type: |
Districts: |
*Title: |
*Full Name: |
*Home Address: |
*Home City: |
*Home State: |
*Home Zip Code: |
Mailing Address: |
Mailing City: |
Mailing State: |
Mailing Zip Code: |
*Email: |
*Home Phone: |
Work Phone: |
Mobile Phone: |
*Voter Registration Number: |
*Present Employer: |
*Current Position: |
*Employer Address: |
*School Attended: |
*Highest Degree Earned: |
*Field of Study: |
*Years of residence in South Carolina: |
*Volunteer Experience:
(Please list and describe) |
*1) Describe your understanding of the position
for which you are applying: |
*2) What specific skills do you believe you could contribute as a member of this board or commission? |
*3) How many hours per week are you able to commit to this board or commission? |
*4) Have you ever attended a meeting of this board or commission? |
*5) Are you available to meet at the regularly scheduled date and time of the board or commission meeting? |
*6) Do you, any member of your immediate family or a business with which you or a member of your family is associated, provide goods and/or services to this board for payment? |
If yes, please explain: |
*7) Do you or any member of your immediate family receive direct services from this board?
If yes, please explain: |
*8) Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation? |
If yes, please give details: |
*9) Do you currently serve on any local or state board, commission, committee, or elected office? |
If yes, please list: |
*10) Have you previously served on any local or state board, commission, committee, or elected office? |
If yes, please list: |
*11) Have you ever been fined for an ethics violation? |
If yes, please explain: |
*12) Have you ever been subject to penalty relating to a violation of State ethics standards? |
If yes, please explain: |
*13) Are you current in payment of your Greenville County property taxes? |
All Applicants Seeking Nomination to a Governor-Appointed Board:
If you are applying for a board or commission nominated by the Legislative Delegation and appointed by the
Governor, you will be subject to a criminal background and credit check prior to appointment. Once the
Governor's office receives a nomination from the Delegation, the nominee will receive an email from the
Governor's office with a secure link to begin the background and credit check process. This must be completed
before your appointment will be made by the Governor.
Statement of Agreement and Understanding
By my signature, I attest all information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge;
I understand it is my responsibility to insure my application is submitted within the
application period and that it has been received by the Greenville County
Legislative Delegation office;
I agree that, if I am appointed, I will attend all stated or called meetings of this entity. If I
am absent from three consecutive meetings, or if I am absent from half of the meetings
within a six-month period, then I will resign my appointment. However, if the
Chairperson excuses my absence prior to the meeting, in recognition of circumstances
beyond my control (illness, family emergency, etc.), then I am entitled to retain my position.
Electronic Signature Agreement. By selecting the "Submit" button, you are signing this Application electronically (e-signature). You agree your “e-signature” is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Application.
* Required fields