It is the policy of Greenville County to require disclosure of any personal or financial interest
that may be influenced by decisions of the Committee, Board or Commission for which any citizen applies for membership.
All information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I understand it is my responsibility to insure my application is submitted within the application period and
that it has been received by the County Council office.
I have read the Greenville County Board and Commission Policy and I understand the rules of conduct
for the seat for which I am applying.
I understand my lack of attendance for three (3) consecutive meetings or 25% of all regular
scheduled meetings within a year may result in my removal from the board.
I understand that I serve at the pleasure of County Council and all appointments are subject
to the Ethics, Government Accountability, and Campaign Reform Act, S.C. Code Ann. Section 8-13-100 et. seq.,
and any member appointed to a board or commission whose action is inconsistent or may be perceived to be
inconsistent with the spirit or intent of the Act may be subject for removal.
I understand that information provided in this application may be subject to South Carolina
Freedom of Information disclosure.
Applicants are encouraged to notify their representing Council Member
of their interest to be considered for a desired board seat.