Abandoned Vehicles
What do you do about abandoned cars, trucks, and vehicles?
The Code Enforcement Division, 864.467.7090, enforces the standards
for abandoned or dismantled vehicles on private property. The
Sheriff's Office, 864.467.5280,
enforces the standards for abandoned or dismantled vehicles on public property.
What is the definition of Abandoned Vehicles?
Any vehicle which meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Not in working order
- Lacks current legal registration
- Lacks equipment to operate (dismantled)
What does the County do with abandoned vehicles on private property?
If there are abandoned vehicles on private property, the owner of that
property will be notified to have the vehicle removed, place the vehicle
in a completely enclosed building, or bring the vehicle up-to-date by obtaining
current tags, and making the vehicle operable.
What does the County do with abandoned vehicles on public property?
Abandoned vehicles on public property are referred by the division to the
Sheriff's Office.
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