Greenville County
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How We Serve Greenville County
Planning & Code Compliance

The mission of the Planning Department is to promote managed growth in Greenville County. Our team fulfills this mission by maintaining a comprehensive planning program to promote sustainable community development, minimize land-use conflicts, coordinate regional transportation planning and investment, and evaluate current rezoning, subdivision and construction proposals in the unincorporated County.

The Planning Department includes four interrelated divisions, each of which provides the following services to the County of Greenville:

  • Long Range Planning is responsible for developing community and area plans with citizens and stakeholders along with managing the implementation of Plan Greenville County,the County’s recently-adopted comprehensive plan. The department also provides staffing for the Greenville County Historic Preservation Commission and Keep Greenville County Beautiful.
  • Transportation Planning is charged with developing countywide transportation plans and providing staffing for the Greenville-Pickens Area Transportation Study (GPATS).
  • Zoning Administration manages all of the functions of zoning in the unincorporated county, including: rezoning dockets; site review for residential, commercial, and industrial development; and zoning appeals. Zoning Administration provides staffing for Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, and the Planning and Development Committee of Greenville County Council.
  • Subdivision Administration is responsible for site review for residential development and reviewing/processing plat approval for all subdivision applications: preliminary plats, final plats, summary plats, and simple/exempt plats. Subdivision Administration administers the County’s financial security program required for all planned infrastructure prior to final plat approval. Subdivision Administration also coordinates the Subdivision Advisory Committee meetings for application approval conditions and provides support for the Planning Commission by providing findings and recommendations for the following applications: preliminary plans, variances from the Land Development Regulations (LDR), drainage/easement abandonments, and road name changes.
