Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Answer Book

Is there an appeal process for taxes?


No. There is, however, a process to appeal the appraised value of your property if it is not equitable with similar properties or substantially exceeds the market value. Contact the Real Property Services Division at Greenville County Square, Suite S-1000 (or call 864.467.7300) to obtain the proper forms.

Questions concerning the County's tax levies may be addressed to the County Auditor's Office at 467.7040.


How do I qualify for the Homestead Exemption?


You may qualify if you are...

  • age 65 on or before December 31, preceding the tax year in which you wish to claim the exemption
  • totally and permanently disabled
  • legally blind;
  • the surviving spouse of a qualifying applicant

Applicants Must Be

  • a legal resident of South Carolina for at least one year on or before December 31, preceding the year for which the exemption is claimed


  • hold fee simple title or partial title to your house or mobile home or certain life estates or other proper titles as of December 31, preceding the year for which the exemption is claimed

How do I apply for the Homestead Exemption?


Applications may be made at any time of the year, at the Office of Real Property Services, Suite S-1000 County Square, 301 University Ridge, Greenville S. C.

When applying you must submit the following:

  • Proof of Residency, such as your SC driver's license, SC Identification Card, or SC Resident Tax Return
  • Social Security or Medicare Card
  • Proof of Age such as birth certificate or SC driver's license
  • If you are applying because of disability or blindness, you must submit your certification indicating the original award date from the State or Federal agency that had authority to make the declaration.

For additional information you may call 864.467.7300.


What are deferred taxes?


Deferred taxes, or rollback taxes, accrue when real property is taxed based on agricultural use. When the use of the property changes these taxes, accumulative for a five year period, become due. Deferred taxes are calculated on the difference between what would have been paid if the property were not taxed on agricultural use, and the amount of taxes paid based on agricultural use.


Where do I pay property taxes?


Taxes are payable at the Greenville County Tax Collector's Office (864.467.7050), by mail, or online here: Pay Property Taxes.


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