Greenville County
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Engineering & Maintenance
Bridge Replacement Projects
Bridge Replacements

Bridge projects are necessary to replace deteriorated structures, increase hydraulic capacity, and accommodate road widening projects. An average of one to two bridge replacement projects and multiple bridge repair/retrofit projects are scheduled each year. The large projects are handled by private contractors and the smaller projects are completed in-house by County crews.

Current Bridge Replacement Projects

Dillard Road (J-352)
Project Location:
The project site is located on Dillard Road (J-352), over the Enoree River Between Bateville Road (S-312) and Gibbs Shoals Road (S-164) in Greenville, South Carolina.

Project Scope:
The Dillard Road Bridge Replacement Project involves the removal and disposal of an existing storm drainage system and existing bridge structure, and replace with 95'(L) x 39'(W) pre-stressed concrete box beam bridge with roadway asphalt overlay. The new structure includes construction of bertical piles and (2) concrete end bents, then the installation of pre-stressed concrete cored and wing walls. The channel and stream banks will be improved and stabilized with riprap on top of geo-textile fabric.

Hampton Avenue Extension
Hampton Avenue Extension is a residential collector street. The County-maintained portion runs from SC 183 to Montgomery Avenue, a length of approximately 4500 feet. The scope of this project will be to design, permit and construct a 175’ long pedestrian bridge across the active Norfolk Southern railyard.

Click below to see the 30% design renderings chosen by the community.

SC 183 view
West Side view
