Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Real Property Services
Manufactured Homes State Mandates
Manufactured Homes

In the state of South Carolina, manufactured homes are owned and transferred by Title through the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV). The only exception is if the manufactured home has been De-Titled (see Forms & Information and then Mobile Homes that explains this process).

State mandates:

Once a Title has been obtained through the SCDMV, it must be Licensed (registered) in the County it resides in.

A decal must also be purchased through the County Permitting Office and then placed on a window visible from the street.

If a manufactured home is to be moved/relocated you must obtain a moving permit and hire a licensed mover. Then above procedure must be repeated.

For more complete M/H instructions call 864.467.7158.

All Taxes must be paid on any pre-owned manufactured home before it can be registered in new owner’s name and a new decal or moving permit issued.

It is the Responsibility of the home owner to provide Permitting with an address change, change of ownership, location or damage to the manufactured home.
