Greenville County
i.e. "Pay my taxes", "Parks & Recreation", "Marriage Licenses", etc.
County Council
Boards & Commissions
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission

Total Members: 12
Upcoming Vacancies: 6


We are not currently accepting applications for this board/commission.

The Commission is composed of 12 residents of Greenville County who are appointed by Greenville County Council, and is the official governmental authority on alcohol and other drug abuse within Greenville County. 

Board meetings are held at 1400 Cleveland Street, Greenville - on the fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. 

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commissioners shall: 

  • Create By-laws;
  • Acquire by gift or purchase lands or interests
  • Enter into agreements for federal and state funds and grants;
  • Prescribe rules and regulations governing the use of its facilities, and expend all monies for its functions;
  • Accept gifts, bequests, devises, contributions and grants, public or private, or funds from any other source for use in furthering the purpose of the commission;
  • Enter into contracts for construction and other services;
  • Conduct a continuing study of the county’s alcohol and drug abuse needs and propose means;
  • Determine priorities in meetings the needs through the development of a plan which shall be revised annually;
  • Cooperate in the implementation of a State plan for the control of alcohol and drug abuse;
  • Employ a director and such other personnel as may be required to carry out the purposes of the act.
