County staff embraces transportation planning practices.
The Institute of Transportation Engineers
(ITE) define transportation planning practice as:
coordination between land use and transportation system planning; providing cooperative interaction between planning,
design, and operation of transportation services; maintaining a balance between transportation related energy use and
clean air and water, and encouraging alternative modes of transportation that will enhance energy efficiency while providing
high levels of mobility and safety.
The LLD staff is concerned with the safety of the public, the efficient use of transportation resources and the mobility
of people and goods. Staff is called upon to protect the environment while providing mobility, to
preserve a scarce public resource (capacity) while working with others to assure economic activity, and to assure safety and
security of the street system.
Safety will continue to be a paramount issue in transportation planning and road construction.
Subdivision Reviews
LDD staff review subdivision construction plans, conduct walkthroughs of proposed subdivision sites, and meet with
developers and engineers during planning for new developments. The construction plans are checked for proper roadway design,
drainage design, right of way and easement requirements, notes, details, etc. which must comply with the current Greenville County
Land Development Regulations.
They also check for erosion/sediment control, flood control (water quantity), and water quality.
Construction plans for proposed public or private roads must be approved by LDD staff prior to
construction. Please call 467.4610 for more information.
Subdivision Inspections
LDD staff inspect subdivisions during construction to check for compliance with the County-approved plans. A series of key
inspections are made during the course of the project starting with clearing, grubbing, & rough grading, followed by drainage and
utility installation, then fine grading, curbing, and asphalt installation, and ending with grassing and
punch list items. A pre-construction meeting between the county inspector, design
engineer, and contractor is required prior to beginning construction. Please call 467.4610 to arrange the meeting.
Subdivision Construction Forms
All new roads planned in the unincorporated areas of the county must comply with
Land Development Regulations.
For specific requirements on the process of developing a subdivision, visit our
Subdivision Administration page.
08/2023 - Road Policy Reminders - NEW