South Carolina's E-Waste Ban Went Into Effect July 1, 2011
Governor Mark Sanford signed
House Bill 4093,
the Manufacturer Responsibility and Consumer Convenience Information Technology Equipment
Collection and Recovery Act, on May 20, 2010 making South Carolina the 22nd state to enact
a program for the recovery of used electronics beginning July 1, 2011.
E-Waste is banned from disposal in landfills but intact and undamaged e-waste is accepted
for recycling at all of our Residential Waste and Recycling Centers
except for our Piedmont location.
Residential generation only. Dismantled E-Waste or TV's with broken cathode tubes are only accepted
at the Twin Chimney's Landfill. (See rates below). Residential Waste
and Recycling Centers no longer accept dismantled e-waste or TV's with broken cathode tubes.
Electronic Waste Rates
Intact e-waste - $400 per ton
Harvested CRT TV's & Monitors - $500 per ton
Crushed CRT TV's & Monitors - $1,000 per ton

E-waste is an ever-growing popular, yet informal name for a variety of electronic products
that have met the end of their "useful life".
- Computers
- Printing Devices
- Televisions
- Monitors
- Laptops
- Telephones of any type
- Mobile phones