- "How do I register and create a property alert?"
Click Here for property alert registration and alert setup.
- How do I change my name on my deed, or add someone?
In order to change the grantee (owner) on a deed or add a new owner, a new deed must be recorded to reflect that change.
While it may be possible for you to look on our website at https://www.greenvillecounty.org/rod and search for examples of recently
recorded deeds and produce a document yourself, we advise you to seek advice from a legal professional to ensure it is done correctly.
If you wish to add someone else using a quit claim deed, which is a non-warranted deed sometimes used between family members with no
title search performed and no monies involved, there are forms available at local office supply stores. These form documents would need
to be fully completed and executed properly prior to presenting to our office for recording. You can also visit our website for
information on recording requirements and fees: https://www.greenvillecounty.org/ROD/PDF/recordingrequirements.pdf.
- What if there is a problem on my credit report?
The ROD does not report information to the credit bureaus. If there is a problem on your credit report, you will
need to contact the credit bureaus to resolve the issue: Equifax, Experian,
- How can I find covenants & restrictions for a property?
For restrictions recorded after 1985, go to our online search,
type the subdivision name in the "Party Name" box, and click Enter. For restrictions filed prior to 1985, visit our Pre-1985 Documents section. You can check the list of
Subdivision Restrictions or search the deed indexes to find the book/page number of the document.
- Where can I go to receive legal advice?
We always suggest that you speak with an attorney concerning legal questions. The South Carolina Bar Association
offers a variety of legal resources and educational events for the public. In addition, they provide a free online question service for qualified individuals.
Visit the SC Bar website for more information.
- Can I get blank document forms at the ROD?
To view the forms we have available, visit our Recording Information page.
We are unable to provide certain forms to the public or offer legal advice. We suggest that you contact an attorney for any legal needs.
- What if I find an error in the records?
We appreciate your help in finding errors in our online public records. We have done our best to prevent errors but occasionally one slips past.
Please email us and we will fix the problem as soon as possible.
- Can I mail in my document for recording?
Yes, we accept documents by mail. Include a cover letter with your name and phone number in case we need to contact you, a self addressed
stamped envelope so we can return the document to you, and a check made payable to Greenville County. If you have questions about the
amount to put on the check, download our recording fees.
- Will I get my original document back?
Yes, we no longer keep a paper copy of the documents. We will scan your document immediately after recording and return the original to you before you
leave the office. If you mail in your document, include a self-addressed stamped envelope so we can return the documents to you.
- Can I record a certified copy of a document?
We accept certified copies of Powers of Attorney filed in another office, Articles of Incorporation,
and Death Certificates. All other documents must be original documents with original signatures.
- Where is the ROD office located?
Our office is in Suite S-2100 of Greenville County Square on University Ridge. Please see the attached
map for directions.
- Can I look up documents online?
Yes, all documents recorded after 1990 and many documents recorded before 1990 are available online.
To look up documents online, visit our Search Public Records page.
- What information do I need before researching a title?
You will need the name of the person who currently owns or previously owned the property or the book and page of the deed.
If you only know the address of the property, please see Real Property
for the owner's name.
- What documents can I look up at the ROD?
The Register of Deeds records deeds, mortgages, powers of attorney, plats, easements, mechanics liens,
state and federal tax liens, mortgage satisfactions and other documents pertaining to real estate.
- What form of payment is accepted and what are the recording fees for documents?
We accept cash, checks, and credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, Discover). Checks should be made out to
Greenville County or Register of Deeds. Please see our recording fees for exact fee information.
- How do I research property or get a copy of a document?
We have several options for obtaining copies of documents. Visit our Copies page for detailed information.