Greenville County
i.e. "Pay my taxes", "Parks & Recreation", "Marriage Licenses", etc.
Plan Greenville County
Your voice, our future. It's a big deal.

Greenville County
Phase II Online Workshop
 Posted: 06/27/19 2:06 PM by Plan Greenville County

If you didn't attend one of our Phase II Community meetings, you can still submit your input. You can find a summary of what we learned from the public during Phase I and how it was used to develop Phase II at the link below.
Phase II Presentation

Please help us serve the citizens of Greenville County better by telling us where you would like to see future growth directed. There are three stations described below. Click the “Submit Feedback” button at the bottom of the page and type the answers to the exercises in the feedback box.

Station A: Read through the options for growth objectives and list the eight objectives that are most important to you using the heading (i.e  “C1”  “F5”  “H3”). They do not need to be in order of importance.
Station A Workshop Instructions

Station B: Review the strategies to accommodate growth listed in the Station B PDF. List two places in Greenville County that you think should be preserved and two places that you think should accommodate future growth. You can list intersections (i.e. near High St. and Freemont Ave.), areas of town (i.e. Downtown Greer), or natural features (i.e. Poinsett Bridge).
Station B Workshop Instructions

Station C: Review the character areas listed in the Station C PDF. List two places you think should remain rural, two places that should be suburban, two places that should be traditional and two places that you think should become urban. You can list intersections (i.e. near High St. and Freemont Ave.), areas of town (i.e. Downtown Greer), or natural features (i.e. Poinsett Bridge).
Station C Workshop Instructions

All feedback can be submitted using the "Submit Feedback" button below.

