Greenville County
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Long Range Planning

Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Plan Receives SCAPA Award
 Posted: 09/12/16 2:48 PM by Patrea St. John

We are excited to announce that the Scuffletown Area Plan Update 2015 has been awarded the South Carolina Chapter American Planning Association 2016 award for Outstanding Planning Project for a Rural Jurisdiction.

In April 2016 Greenville County Council adopted the Scuffletown Area Plan Update 2015 as an amendment to the Imagine Greenville County Comprehensive Plan along with amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Land Development Regulations that establishes the Scuffletown Rural Conservation District.  This Overlay District establishes specific design and development standards that will aid in the protection of the rural ...


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Area Plan Update
 Posted: 05/13/16 11:29 AM by Patrea St. John

In April, the County Council approved the update to the Scuffletown Area Plan as an amendment to the Imagine Greenville County Comprehensive Plan.

The public outreach conducted for this update reinforced the vision that was developed for the 2006 Scuffletown Area Plan. This vision is to protect and enhance the area’s distinctive rural charm and beauty of the landscape as development occurs. This area can accommodate growth without sacrificing these qualities and The Future Land Use Plan has been revised from the 2006 Scuffletown Area Plan in a few areas to reflect the community’s vision for the area.


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Community Meeting & FLU Map Update
 Posted: 11/13/15 3:23 PM by Tom Meeks

The Greenville County Planning Staff is inviting residents of the Scuffletown area to join us for another community meeting to discuss the final draft of the area plan review. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 15th, from 6:00 to 8:00pm. The plan review can be reviewed here in preparation for the meeting. 

Staff also encourages residents to review the revised Scuffletown Area Fu ...


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Area Plan Review: Final Draft
 Posted: 10/09/15 10:26 AM by Patrea St. John

This is the final draft report for the Scuffletown Area Plan Update.
Please review and comment.

The final report will be submitted for formal adoption by the Planning Commission, PD Committee of the Council and the County Council.

Click here to read the final draft.


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Future Land Use Plan DRAFT
 Posted: 09/15/15 1:30 PM by Patrea St. John

The Future Land Use Plan serves as a policy guide for future land use decisions, including the zoning and rezoning of property when private property owners come forward with development proposals.

The Future Land Use Plan is based on the vision established for the planning area and proposes land uses for areas that may develop in the future.

Click Here to view the updated Future Land Use Map.


Suburban Residential


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Area Plan Build Out Scenarios Survey
 Posted: 05/29/15 10:40 AM by Tom Meeks

We have developed 3 Build Out Scenarios to illustrate possible future development patterns for the Scuffletown Area.  We would ask that you select your preferred scenario to help us get an understanding of the community’s vision for the Area.  This will help us to update the Scuffletown Area plan. To participate in this survey, click here.


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Area Plan 2nd Community Meeting Very Productive!
 Posted: 05/22/15 11:31 AM by Tom Meeks

On Thursday evening, May 21st 67 citizens met with the Greenville County Planning staff to discuss the update of the Scuffletown Area Plan adopted in 2006.  The purpose of this meeting was to share with the citizens what we have heard from them regarding issues and concerns that should be addressed in the plan update.  TRAFFIC is the number one concern-( traffic congestion, traffic circulation, increasing traffic volume, and  road conditions, ) that we have heard from you.  ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS is the number two concern you have shared with us.  Losing the rural character, doing a better job of protect ...


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Area Plan Boundary Update
 Posted: 04/23/15 4:54 PM by Tom Meeks

At the first community meeting on April 14th, the public had the opportunity to review the boundary of the Scuffletown Road Area Plan study area.  Based upon the citizens comments we have adjusted the original boundary.  Click here to see the updated study area map.


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Follow-Up Meeting
 Posted: 04/23/15 4:16 PM by Tom Meeks

Catch up with what your neighbors think about issues that need to be addressed in the Scuffletown Area Plan update as well as a discussion of future growth options at our next community meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 21st at 6:30 pm at Bell’s Crossing Elementary School.  We want to hear from you so please check out the Greenville County website homepage as well as our Facebook page.


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Survey goes live!
 Posted: 04/23/15 11:50 AM by Tom Meeks

We want to invite all residents of the Scuffletown Area Plan to participate in a short, online survey that will provide us with some important feedback and assist us in evaluating the status of the 2006 plan. Simply click here to be directed to the survey.


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Area Plan Review Elements
 Posted: 04/15/15 2:13 PM by Tom Meeks

Planning staff is looking forward to acquiring feedback from residents on the original Scuffletown Area Plan of 2006 and its effects across the area since its adoption. If you would like to review the original plan before providing us with comments, just click here.

In addition, if you would like to review or share the presentation slides from the April 14th meeting, please click ...


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Area Plan Update Underway!
 Posted: 04/15/15 10:11 AM by Tom Meeks

We appreciate those of you who were able to attend the community meeting at Bell’s Crossing Elementary School on Tuesday, April 14th at 6:30 pm.  We received a lot of good input from citizens who attended this meeting, but we would like to hear from you as well.  In the next few days we will have a short survey posted on this site for you to fill out, as well as other opportunities for you to share your ideas and concerns about your community.  Please check your calendar to see if you are available to attend the next community which will be held on Thursday, May 21st at 6:30 pm at Bell’s Crossi ...


Scuffletown Area
Scuffletown Area Plan Update
 Posted: 04/01/15 3:27 PM by Tom Meeks

It has been nine years since the original Scuffletown Area Plan was completed and a lot has happened since that time.  At the request of Greenville County Council, the county planning staff working with citizens and stakeholders will revisit the Scuffletown Area Plan.  The planning process to update the plan will begin with a community meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 6:30 pm at Bell’s Crossing Elementary School.

At this community meeting the planning staff will review the 2006 plan and talk about what development and activities have occurred in the study area since that time.  Meeting atten ...


