How can I register to vote or update my voter registration information in Greenville County?
If you are 18 years old, a US Citizen, legal resident of Greenville County, with no felony convictions
for which you are currently serving a sentence, and you are not declared mentally incompetent by a
court of law, then you can register to vote by presenting proper identification, (driver's license
reflecting a local residence address is acceptable) to the Voter Registration Office in Suite 1900
of County Square which is located at 301 University Ridge.
You may use either of the following methods:
Register Completely Online (New!)
- Requires Current (updated) S.C. Driver’s License or DMV ID
- If you have moved, you must first update your address
- Your application will be processed in hours (during normal office hours)
Online applications must be submitted on or before the deadline to be valid for any specific
election, 30 days prior to Election Day. Online voter registration does not "turn off" at the
deadline. Applications submitted after the deadline will be processed but will not be valid
for that particular election.
"Mail In" Application For Voter Registration
Citizens who need to register to vote or change their address in Greenville County may
download the SC Voter Registration web
mail in application, fill it out, and return it in PDF format that will capture
your signature and the other information that should be sent by email
It is also possible to register by mail on a form available throughout the County from
various civic organizations, political party officials, branch library location, or mailed
by Voter Registration. Registration by Mail Forms must be postmarked no later than 30
days prior to the election. A citizen may come into the office (Voter Registration Office
in Suite 1900 of County Square which is located at 301 University Ridge) up to 30 days before
the election in order to vote in that election.
Once a person is registered to vote, they do not have to re-register unless they move
or have been convicted of a felony. In these cases, it may be necessary to start over
and register to vote as if a new voter. Duplicate cards are available upon request if one
is lost or misplace.
This registration allows you to vote in all elections as determined by your place
of residence (Federal, State, County, City, School District, and /or Special Service District).
These districts are listed on the stub portion of your voter registration card and can help
you determine your representatives. If in doubt, please do not hesitate to call this office
for assistance.
Telephone Number: 864.467.7250