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Emergency Medical Services
Team Member Archive
Meet our Team Members:
Employee Photo

Every month we will be selecting a team member for our Employee Spotlight.

This month we’re introducing Elizabeth Franco.

What is your favorite quote, saying, or motto?

You can't control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond.

What is your greatest achievement in life so far?

Joining the Dive team and gaining my open water certification.

What is your #1 pet peeve?

Windshield wipers going faster than they need to be.

What is your favorite movie or play?

Little Rascals

What would constitute a perfect EMS crew member?

Someone who has your back and wants to make the shift fun.

What is your best kept secret?

I graduated from Bob Jones University.

Greatest inspiration in your life?

My grandparents. They demonstrated unbelievable work ethic and faithfulness to each other, family, and God.

What would your epitaph say?

My death means nothing if my life means nothing.

What is your favorite type of music?

Anything you can jam out to and sing at the top of your lungs, so country.

Where would you like to grow old?

On a quiet and peaceful farm.
