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Emergency Medical Services
Team Member Archive
Meet our Team Members:
Employee Photo

Every month we will be selecting a team member for our Employee Spotlight.

This month we’re introducing Josh King. He is a newly certified Paramedic and former EMT with Greenville County EMS and has been working for the department since 2017.

What is your favorite quote, saying, or motto?

“Do, or do not. There is no try." – Yoda

What is your greatest achievement in life so far?

My family.

What is your #1 pet peeve?
  • Lists
  • Inconsistency
  • Failure to follow simple instructions
What is your most memorable moment in your EMS career?

Passing my National Registry for Paramedic.

What is your favorite movie or play?

Star Wars Saga

What would constitute a perfect EMS crew member?

Someone that you can be around for 12 hours and not think about how your life choices lead you to this moment.

What is your best kept secret?

I lived in Brussels, Belgium, while I was in high school.

What would you consider your worst habit?

My attempts to be humorous. It’s usually the ulna.

Greatest inspiration in your life?

My son. I want his life to be like the amazing one my parents gave me.

What is your favorite food item?


What would be considered luxury to you?

Knowing I would never have to worry about paying a bill.

If you could meet anyone in the history of the world, who and why?

Abe Lincoln. He was faced with one of the most difficult times in U.S. history and we could really use someone like him now.

What would your epitaph say?

My wife couldn’t stand my jokes anymore.

What is your favorite type of music?


Where would you like to grow old?

